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Europe Citizenship Requirements

Advantages of European passport application with Citizensl

EU passports are among the most desirable passports in the world. EU citizens can enter 153 countries without a visa. There are many advantages of EU citizenship including international mobility and unlimited working rights in the EU transfer of your EU citizenship onto your children and grandchildren. EU citizenship affords EU citizens with rights, freedoms and legal protections available under EU law. 

European Union citizens have the right to free movement, settlement and employment across the union. They get the right to consular protection by embassies of other EU member states when a person’s country of citizenship is not represented by an embassy in the foreign country in which they require protection or assistance.  There are many more benefits, other than this, of being a citizen of any EU state.  They are-

  • The right to vote in to stand as a candidate at elections to the European Parliament & municipal elections
  • Right to petition
  • A right to access to documents of the EU government
  • Travel between the 27 member states freely with no visas and remain there with new restrictions
  • Subsidized tertiary education and scholarships
  • Opportunities for international networking and career development high quality of life with free or very affordable tuition fees
  • Right to set up a startup
  • Access to national healthcare benefits in any of the European Union’s 27 members states.
  • Fast tracking through customs
  •  Plan B & Privacy

How to Apply For Citizenship With Citizensl Citizenship Application Review and Services 

Six common ways to get a European passport are –

  • Citizenship by descent
  • Citizenship by naturalization
  • Work
  • Marriage
  • Business
  • Investment

The European nations who offer citizenship by descent programs are: Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Uk and Poland (among others).

Each European country offers an option to acquire European citizenship through naturalization process.

In almost every European country it is possible to qualify for permanent residency status if you manage to get a full time job there and start paying taxes other than fulfilling other basic criteria.

Marrying an EU citizen ensures a fast-track process to residency and thereafter citizenship.

Several European countries such as Belgium, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, and Latvia offer residency permits to those who start a business.

Countries like Portugal, Spain, Greece, Latvia and Bulgaria offer an opportunity to acquire a naturalized EU citizenship with Citizenship Application Review by obtaining residency by investment.

More detailed information can only be obtained from professionals. Citizensl could be the one. You can contact us to get legal assistance in obtaining EU citizenship.

Though European citizenship is highly coveted, it is not exactly easy to acquire. There are extensive background checks and strict requirements to qualify. 

As per experts review and feedback; Romanian, Bulgarian and Slovenian citizenship is the easiest European citizenship that one can get in the EU. The citizenship program of these countries is extremely generous. 

Need help on a journey towards obtaining EU citizenship? Citizensl has already helped hundreds of people to confirm their EU citizenship and reclaim their heritage. Contact us to find out more. Leave comments in our mailbox to know about you queries.

Contact Us 

Contact : +38627074143 
Website : https://citizensl.com/ 
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Email Id : office@citizensl.com
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